Networking Solutions

Infinitech offers a full line of data and networking services and provides easily manageable, cloud-based enterprise services for wireless, switching and security applications. Our highly trained team will ensure you have the perfect solution to secure and connect your devices under one secure, efficient cloud networking umbrella. We can secure your entire enterprise device network or launch a new secure local area network for your organization, to ensure you always have a reliable connection for daily operations.
Cloud Managed Wireless Services:
Our team will deploy a robust cloud-based management dashboard to simplify your user experience. We also provide maintenance-free access points, full network visibility and cloud based signal optimization. Our remote networked LAN controllers drastically reduce operations and infrastructure costs, especially when compared to owning and managing local Wi-Fi LAN networks.
Hardware Operating System Management:
Our team also manages your hardware operating systems to ensure they are always up-to-date and secure from the latest threats and vulnerabilities. Our robust and user-friendly interface allows for easy LAN customization to meet your unique needs, while our cloud based services provide an equal experience for your networked users in both local and remote branches.
Access Switches Managed Via the Cloud:
Our connectivity constructs allow you to add plug-and-play devices to your network at any time. With a remote management interface, you can configure and monitor a multitude of switches, instantaneously, all while providing single access point end-user monitoring for any network configuration. You can also set up remote branches without setting foot on the site and administer enterprise networks without the need for specialized training. Our platform offers you reliable on-site management and convenient cloud based applications.
Cloud Based Security Applications:
Our security platform configures itself spontaneously with predefined best-practice policies issued from our cloud services. Plug-and-play deployment allows you to monitor the security events of your entire network. Combined with our incredibly flexible cloud-based platform, your administrators are able to manage and monitor any of your enterprise branches from any secured site you specify.
Infinitech’s protocols automatically establish your own virtual private network. Our native monitoring application immediately notifies your security administrators of suspicious or threatening network activity. Infinitech’s security platform also automatically updates the latest security definitions via the cloud. With our system in place, you can rest assured your network is secure the moment we deploy your cloud network.
Cloud Enabled Mobile Management:
With our mobile device management solution, your organization can manage an entire corporate mobile device fleet. We configure all smart devices, tablets and laptops to maintain your network’s integrity. System administrators can monitor your devices from a centralized interface. With our cloud-based services, your entire mobile system can be managed by any user with approved system access.
Contact our Network Specialists today for the solution you deserve.