Advize Health LLC

Infinitech accepted delivery of a pair of servers and a network attached storage device, wheeled the stack of equipment down a long corridor, and attached the lode firmly into a newly-provisioned datacenter rack.
The firewall and network switch had been pre-configured with the virtual LANs and IP address information. Domain DNS records were ready to be flipped, and everyone awaited the signal that the separation of companies would be complete.
From the very moments that Advize Health began their business journey, Infinitech has been side-by-side with them. Infinitech owns the responsibility for maintaining the entire apparatus of computing infrastructure that services a decentralized workforce. Auditors and analysts must be able view protected health information securely and reliably. Large clients require specific security policies be enforced before allowing access to the troves of data that comprise an Advize Health project.
Infinitech has the experience and expertise across the full horizon of business technology. We will grow with your business and accommodate your needs at every turn.
Year: 2013
Services: VMware, Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, Microsoft IIS, Cisco Meraki, NFS, NAS, QNAP, StorageCraft, Windows Terminal Server, Office 365